
Celebrating Aleksandra’s Black Belt project achievements

Introduction The journey of continuous improvement is a path filled with dedication, strategic thinking, and meticulous execution. One such inspiring journey is that of Aleksandra Mozdzynska, who undertook the Black Belt services training. Guided by the expertise of Master Black Belt Mike McInnes, Aleksandra’s commitment and proficiency have led to significant advancements within her project. […]

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Black Belt project saves media company £140,000

A prominent media company is the publisher of multiple daily newspapers and many other magazines. Despite the dominant role of digital news, the traditional newspaper delivered to subscribers’ doorsteps is still an essential part of many readers’ daily routine. As a result, a significant amount of paper and ink is used daily in the printing […]

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green belt exam

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Exam: A milestone to Continuous Improvement

Lean Six Sigma, a methodology that strives to continuous improvement, has taken the business world by storm. It’s a systematic approach used to enhance productivity, reduce waste, and improve the overall quality of processes. At the heart of this methodology is the certification hierarchy, with the Green Belt ranking as one of the most recognized. […]

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The beginner guide to Lean Six Sigma for managers

Managerial positions have always been high on the list of personal career goals. Because of this, we felt it appropriate to render advice on the topic of management and Lean Six Sigma. The Lean Six Sigma Company has been a course provider since the early 2000’s and since that time we have coached, supervised, trained, […]

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Lean Six Sigma Can Help You Survive A Crisis

To survive, you must adapt. To adapt, you must improve. To improve, you must organize. This mantra briefly summarizes the operational excellence philosophy of Continuous Improvement, a philosophy that stands at the center of many business improvement methodologies, including Lean Six Sigma. History is a circle The idea of Continuous Improvement is more relevant today […]

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What is a Black Belt?

Within any organisation which has embraced Continuous Improvement’, ‘Lean’ or ‘Lean Six Sigma,  you will encounter terminology such as Yellow Belt, Green Belt and Black Belt. Every ‘Belt’ comes with specific responsibilities. In this blog we will explain how this works and perhaps more importantly what steps to take to become a Lean Six Sigma […]

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De Enige PostHBO Black Belt opleiding van Nederland

Becoming a certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, what is in it for you?

This is a dynamic ever changing world. We are faced such important issues, to name a few: Manufacturing 4.0, Customers, Technology, Rising costs;! All put pressure on companies to strive for an increase in productivity. This requires us to take a close look at the relation between the cost Inputs  versus Outputs or put simply […]

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What is a Green Belt?

Within Lean Six Sigma professional jargon you will often hear different ‘belts’ mentioned. You will find belts in every color of the spectrum, but what does a certain belt color actually mean? The Belts indicate a certain level of expertise. They show at which level someone can apply the Lean Six Sigma methodology. The Green Belt […]

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Why we can all use Lean Six Sigma

When I teach Lean Six Sigma, I often hear people say: ‘’I haven’t used statistics or stats in a long time! Is Lean Six Sigma doable for me?’’ So, why use statistics in Lean Six Sigma? Lean Six Sigma is about continuously improving, so you need to know how good or how bad you are. For this, […]

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The Lean Six Sigma Company kan samen met u een plan van aanpak maken om Lean Six Sigma toe te passen

The personal value of a Lean Six Sigma course

The Lean Six Sigma methodology is often praised for its ability to raise productivity levels, profit margins and efficiency, as well as managing processes, reducing costs and aiding change within organizations. These are great benefits which stem from what Lean Six Sigma is at its core: a structural framework that allows you to make and […]

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