COURSES WITH A FOCUS Study the specifics of continuous improvement with our It can start simple. Implementing Continuous Improvement and problem-solving at work does not have to be difficult or complex. Aside from its theory-rich and data-driven methodology, the Lean Six Six Sigma framework also offers a vast wealth of practical problem-solving and work improvement tools. Solving small frustrations, inefficiencies, and productivity roadblocks (collectively referred to as ‘Waste’), is the first step to achieving operational excellence. Browse our online courses, select the methods and tools you need, and let complacency become a thing of the past! Our range of courses OUR COURSE PACKS Our course packs are curated collections of online courses that synergize well with one another. The courses in each pack were hand-picked by our learning experts to help you reach a specific personal development goal. And while we weren’t looking, they even added a friendly discount into the mix. Sneaky buggers. Lean Six Sigma White Belt training The White Belt training is a fast, free, and easy way to determine if Lean Six Sigma is right for you. Explore the basics of Lean Six Sigma, find out which roles you can pursue and learn what the benefits are. All in less than 1 hour, presented by one of our Master Black Belts. Discover Lean Six Sigma in less than 60 mins. Find out which course is best for you Discover the TPC e-learning platform Presented by our Master Black Belt No waiting, no payments needed Our collaboration with TPC In 2016, The Productivity Company (TPC) was established as the e-learning branch of The Lean Six Sigma Company. The Productivity Company views its mission as making learning enjoyable and accessible to promote the transfer of knowledge. We strongly believe in the concept of lifelong learning, where professionals continuously develop themselves to keep pace with advancements in knowledge and technology. Together, we create high-quality online training programs in the field of Lean Six Sigma. These courses are ideal for preparing and complementing our traditional classroom training offerings, but they also serve as excellent standalone training to strengthen your professional career and take the initial steps into the world of Lean Six Sigma. Fast Track Learning Start building your future-ready skill set
In many cases it can be more beneficial to start out with putting these tools into practice rather than jumping straight into a full company-wide implementation.
After all, while a robust improvement structure will do wonders for productivity, at its core problem-solving is simply about knowing the right tools for the challenges you are facing. That is why each of our online courses focuses on a specific tool or method, focusing on practical benefits and applicability first and foremost.
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